Sunday, September 26, 2010

Racism Fueled by the News

In class we talked about how stereotypes of different races are strongly linked to the media. I think that television specifically holds most of the responsibility for encouraging and fueling these stereotypes. Sure movies and commercials, and paper advertisements also play a role in this, but they aren't as repetitive as the shows on TV. News stations especially encourage stereotyping of race. For example when there is a report about a criminal, the very first thing they do is identify the gender and the race of that individual. So when viewers see this report they automatically, and most likely subconsciously associate the crime with the criminal's race. And over time they may even pick up on trends. For example if I hear a report of a man suspected of making a bomb I'm going to assume he's Arab. If I hear a story of a man who was shot in the streets of Boston, I'm going to assume he was Black. If I hear a report about a man who kidnapped a young boy, I'm going to assume the man was white. I can't pinpoint specific stories that I've seen to lead me to these assumptions, but I have them. And I would be surprised if I was the only one who unintentionally makes these assumptions. 

I always hate when news reporters say anything about a potential terrorist scare because one of the very first things they say is whether or not the suspects were Arab. I understand that the majority of terrorist attacks and plots against the US are by Arabs. However the Middle East is really big and there are only a few countries responsible for these attacks. Saying that the Arabs attacked the US again doesn't inform anyone of anything. Taking the tragic event of 9/11 for example. I'm sure the majority of US citizens don't fully understand the reasoning behind the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and that most people have no idea that the conflict between the US and Al Qaeda has been going on for at least 20 years before 9/11. Yet because of the news reports on TV, most Americans only received the message that "the Arabs" were attacking the US. And now Arab Americans have to live with that stereotype for a very long time, if not forever. 


  1. I agree with you about how news, movies, tv series stereotype people. I also agree with what we read on chapter 5 that states how some movies not only change the stereotypes of the people but also the emotions felt at a specific moment. Like the movie of "Rambo". even though Americans lost the Vietnam war, they were happy because Rambo showed a different perspective of the war which was saving the prisoners.

  2. I agree with this blog to the utmost but as we went over in class, reporters and anchors report the news as how they believe the "people" will want it. Or report so that it will attract viewers to watch. it has become accepted to this point that as you said you start to go along with it and start generalizing the news stories. such is the news media nowadays.

  3. I completely agree about how the news is very quick announce the ethnicity of the criminal. I think that because this has become the norm for news reporters, people are jumping to conclusions before they even hear the story. It's interesting to think that if a white business man blew up a building, would there be nearly as much press around the subject; people would not feel as threatened as opposed to an Arab doing so creates chaos among the public.

  4. Your insight about the stereotypes associated with Arabs was very true. So good to see you reflecting on our class discussions during your everyday encounters with media! Since this is an 'media artifact' assignment, I hope that next time you can identify what exactly your artifact is (for example, the pic you attached--fox news channel, that could be your artifact) because it will allow you to look into your subject more in depths. Need an explanation for the pic you used as well--are you making an argument? or just picked a channel randomly?


  5. Great points! I agree with your ideas about which stereotypes of people are part of each crime. It's strange how news and media can lead us to make these kinds of associations so quickly. great observations! I really enjoyed your post and could definitely relate to it.
